Friday, June 19, 2009

Suddenly I'm Prescient!

Last night I awoke at 2:30. I had been dreaming that Fender Tucker, one-time editor of Loadstar, had donated his woodcut of the Secretary of State handing the Emancipation Proclamation to President Lincoln to the Library of Congress. And that the LOC had put it at the tail-end of their online "American Freedom" exhibit.
Then when the clock-radio turned on at 6AM with the news playing they were announcing that today many Americans were celebrating Emancipation.
I Think Not!
I Think Not Either!
Because I WAS looking at a LOC exhibit a day or two ago. And I DID talk with Fender yesterday on the phone. And it WAS in the news yesterday that Congress officially apologized for that slavery incident from the 1500s through the 1800s. I may even have known deep in my hind-brain that Juneteenth was the 19th of June, living as I do just a few miles from the border of Texas.
But it FELT like prescience until I remembered all those pre-dream triggers.
I guess I'll put my career as a psychic back on hold.

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